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RS Fukuyama visit and buy value assessing enquiry form

One of our staff will answer you by email or telephone after you send the form.

0120-002-819 (Link for smart phones)
084-945-8825 (Link for smart phones)

smart phone

090-3633-1932 (Link for smart phones)


Please order by completing this form.

Customer information

必須Email addressEmail address
必須Confirm email addressconfirm mail address
必須Nameyour name
Telephone numbertelephone number
Postcodepostcode Look up postcode
  1. Select the prefecture
            Restricted to Chugoku, Shikoku, Kinki and part of Kyushu
  2. City, ward or village
  3. Street number
Preferred date for value assessingDays

Enter your preferred date for value assessing if you have one.

Motorbike details

必須Engine displacementengine displacement
Example: CBR400F3
Example: Heisei 10 or 2005 model
 * Enter “unknown” if you don’t know the year.
MileageMileage km
Frame no.fream
  Enter if known.
Vehicle inspectioncustom Yes   No  
* For 400 cc and larger motorbikes 
Third party liability insurancecustom Yes   No  
Number platecustom Yes   No  
CustomizedCustomized Yes   No  
* Enter details if the muffler, etc. has been customized. 
必須Condition of motorbikeCondition of motorbike
Quote from other companyQuote from other company JPY 
* Please enter a quote from another company for reference if you have one.
Requested pricemoney JPY 
nter your requested price if you have one.
Opinions or questions
Please enter any other details if applicable.qestion
必須Sending confirmationsending confirm Confirm that you have checked all the above information.
Sendsubmit send